Always Enough

As women we juggle so many roles as wives, mothers, daughters, sisters, friends, caretakers, and providers, only to name a few. Women in leadership are challenged to be all of these, and also shoulder the responsibility for the well-being of all those we serve. At times, we can feel inadequate in some or all of these roles, and think that our best is never quite good enough.

The women who have influenced me in my journey as a Christian, and as a corporate leader have taught me important lessons that help me to remember that "I am always enough." Here are five of the many lessons they’ve imparted.

  1.  I am always enough because God is my advocate.

He gave me the gifts and talents that I possess, and He requires stewardship of them. My sufficiency is not in me, but in Him, and I am only enough when I allow Him to work through me to achieve His purposes. He had a plan for my life long before I came to earth, and through Him I will always be enough to fulfill that plan.

  1. I am always enough because I have done all I could do.

One of the female mentors in my life taught me something years ago that I have never forgotten. As I was struggling to meet multiple expectations and continually falling short, she said, "Dee Ann, you did the best you could do with what you have." She also reminded me that others did the best they could with what they had, too. Sometimes at the end of a long day, a long year or a long season, we simply have to tell ourselves, "I did the best I could do." It will always be enough, because we can trust God to fill the gaps.

  1. I am always enough because I am obedient.

If we are walking in the calling God has given us in any area of our life, then we will be enough. During particularly difficult times in my life, I often remembered a sermon I heard by Andy Stanley, where he repeatedly asked a question: "What would God have me to do in these circumstances?" I have prayed the prayer, "God what would you have me to do in these circumstances" many times in my life. Sometimes, He has given me some exciting assignments like writing a book or going to the mission field. At others times, He has told me to wait on Him. When I have walked in obedience, He has always been faithful to use it all for my good.

  1. I am always enough because I am a chosen daughter of the King.

In all the roles I play, this is the most important. When I accept the unconditional love and grace of God it allows me to give it away to others. When I live confidently as a chosen daughter of the King, my influence is multiplied through the love and grace I can give to others. The same love and grace that assures me that I am enough helps others believe they are too.

  1. I am always enough even when Satan tries to convince me otherwise.

When we step up to lead, whether in the church, in our families, or in the marketplace, Satan steps up to destroy us. A strong and confident follower of Christ is Satan's biggest threat, and he uses that which is most sacred to us to distract us from our mission. If he can create a problem at home, he can keep us from being effective in ministry and in the marketplace.

If he can create issues at work, he can use it to create division between those we serve. He can threaten our most precious relationships. But he can form no weapon against us that our God is not greater to overthrow. Through prayer and conversation with the lover of my soul, I can drown out Satan, and clearly hear the One who reminds me I am always enough.

The enemy's favorite weapons are guilt and shame. As marketplace and ministry leaders, we cannot allow the devil a stronghold to use these against us. The entrapment of allowing our hearts to receive, and even embrace the guilt and shame Satan sends our way, will completely undermine and diminish our leadership credibility.

As James wrote in James 4:7, "Resist the devil and he will flee from you." Receive and embrace the message from Isaiah 43:1 that God intended for you as a daughter of the King, "I have redeemed you and summoned you by name. You are mine" and, therefore, you are always enough.   

Dee Ann Turner

Dee Ann Turner is the Vice President, Corporate Talent at Chick-fil-A, Inc and the author of It's My Pleasure: The Impact of Extraordinary Talent and a Compelling Culture You can follow her on her blog or on twitter @deeannturner.


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