Propel Women Champions

The heartbeat of Propel is to awaken and ignite the calling of women everywhere. Regardless of who you are, where you’re from, or how old you are, your life is infused with purpose and endless potential. Whether you are a stay home mom, executive, or entrepreneur, let it be known: You’re a world changer. And we want as many women to be empowered as possible.

Today, we encourage you to become a Propel Champion. What does that mean? Propel Champions is a fresh new program that enables you to earn prizes as you share the latest events, updates, and content from Propel on social media.

This is not just an invitation to join a program, but a way to invite the women around you into a bold and confident life. The program allows you to extend the heart and mission of Propel Women to your sphere of influence in a really simple way.

In fact, it allows you to do so right from your email. Win prizes like: event tickets, merchandise, and life-changing resources while you spread the word.

Propel Champions is more than a program. It’s a mission. Join us and champion the passion, purpose, and potential of women in your local community. Know someone who would be inspired at an event? See an article that will encourage your friends? Let’s reach them together.

How to Join

It’s simple. Click on this link, sign in with your social media accounts, and then add your other networks. Straight away, you’ll be collecting Champions points. As soon as you sign up, you will get an email from our program once or twice a week with a special message to share.

Why You Want to Become a Champion

The Champions program can equip you to spread the message and mission of Propel with those in your life.

It will give you practical tools to automatically share content with your friends. And each time you share, you’ll earn points, and the more points you earn, the more chances you have to win Propel Women resources.


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