Building A Legacy of Spiritual Mothering

Brittany Rust

by Brittany Rust

Sophia is the Greek word for Wisdom, and Propel Sophia seeks out the voices of truly wise women and asks them to share worked examples of how they express faith in daily life. Pull up a chair at Sophia’s table, won’t you? There’s plenty of space.



When I met Jesus at 16 years old, I had no context for what being a Christian really meant or looked like. The solution seemed obvious: I spent as much time at church as I could and surrounded myself with people who could give me an example of this new life.

What came next was the absolute grace and kindness of God.

The wives of my two youth pastors took me under their wing. One brought me into her family, showing me a home life I was unfamiliar with but wanted to learn from for the future. The other brought me into ministry at the church.

Then, when I graduated high school, I became a staff member at my church and that’s when I met my spiritual mother. She and her husband were the lead pastors of our church and she included me on her team, becoming the single greatest influence for good in my life outside of Christ.

There were days she would instruct, guiding my growth and sharpening my character, like when she gently pointed out how my get-it-done mindset was sometimes missing people in the process. There were other days, in the face of my own moral failure, she walked with me in truth and grace. I saw sadness in her eyes but love in her heart. We cried together in mutual support, and also celebrated the joys of God’s goodness. Over lunches and bowls of ice cream, she shaped the woman I was becoming.

I would not be who or where I am today without my mentors.

I needed wise sages and spiritual mommas in my life then, and I do now. You do, too. There are women who have gone before you to clear the path with wisdom stored up for the next generation. Proverbs 13:30 says, “​​Whoever walks with the wise becomes wise.

Honoring Your Spiritual Mothers

As I think about the women who have led me with such love and wisdom, the words of Hebrews 13:17 come to mind, where we are told to honor our leaders in such a way that “their work is a joy, not a burden.”

Here are five ways you can honor the spiritual mothers in your life:

1. Prayer

Just as your spiritual mom has lifted you in prayer countless times, return such devotion. Send her a text and ask how you can pray for her. Or better yet, invite her over and spend time in prayer together. No matter who you are or what season you’re in, prayer is always a welcomed gift of love and support.

2. Words and Notes of Encouragement

Remember when you were younger and how excited you were when your grandma or aunt would send a card in the mail? Notes are always a sweet reminder that you are loved and thought about. Pick up a card and write a touching note to your mentor. Even a text of encouragement can mean a lot to someone.

3. Invitations to Share Your Life

Find ways to invite your mentor into your life. Maybe it’s the birthday party of the child that you both prayed fervently for years ago, or an invitation to dinner. Time is one of your most precious commodities and sharing it is a wonderful way to show your love and appreciation.

4. Ask for Their Wisdom

You’re never too old to bounce an idea off of someone or ask for advice. Every woman has something to offer, especially in their growing years. Even if you aren’t in regular contact with someone who has been a spiritual mom to you in the past, reaching out to invite their wisdom could be a gift to both of you.

5. Pass the Legacy.

The most meaningful way to honor mentors is by embodying and passing on the values, teachings, and love they shared with you. By continuing their legacy through your own ministry and mentorship, you ensure that their impact lives on.

Hebrews 13:7 says, “Remember your leaders, those who spoke to you the word of God. Consider the outcome of their way of life, and imitate their faith.

Remember, consider, and imitate. One of the greatest joys we can give our spiritual mothers is to make them spiritual grandmothers as we pour into a new generation of women.



Brittany Rust is a Bible teacher passionate to see people impacted by God’s Word and  inspired to be thoughtful students of Scripture. She is the founder of Truth and Grace Ministries and the author of five books, in addition to being an ordained minister with twenty years of ministry experience. Brittany lives with her family in Springfield, Mo. Learn more at