Burnout: The Struggle Is Real

As women and leaders, we can easily become too focused on being everything for everyone. We don’t realize we’re working ourselves into complete exhaustion until it’s too late. If you’re like me, this results in a massive blowup, typically consisting of a lovely mixture of frustration, anger, and hopelessness. Trust me, not my finest moments. Trying to be the perfect woman, wife, mother, and friend coupled with working and ministering was taking its toll (key words: “trying” and “perfect”).

Needless to say, I was burned out. My marriage was suffering, and my emotional and physical health were teetering on the brink of irreparable damage. I was drowning under improperly placed performance, perfectionism, and drivenness when I discovered three healthier alternatives in Colossians 3.

1) Replacing performance with excellence.

 Performing solely for recognition and applause from others isn’t sustainable. Being a people-pleaser to gain acceptance is exhausting. Both will certainly lead to burnout. On the other hand, doing our tasks with excellence gives us a sense of accomplishment and fulfillment that IS sustainable. Fostering a culture of excellence rather than performance promotes humility and best efforts while dissipating pride and stress.

2) Replacing perfectionism with progress.

I want to be better than I was yesterday knowing I won’t ever be perfect. I want to be teachable. I heard a piano teacher once say, “Practice makes progress.” I almost corrected her obviously misplaced sentiment, but realized the beauty of it instead. When we focus on progress, instead of perfection, we are inviting the Lord to help us be the best version of ourselves for His glory. It takes the pressure off, and gives us grace and endurance to finish the task at hand without the burden of perfection.

3) Replacing drivenness with diligence.

I don’t want to be so driven in life and in leadership that I completely bulldoze people around me. I would rather possess a steadfast diligence. Drivenness depletes our energy quickly, like a runner sprinting at the start of a marathon. It doesn’t allow us to truly value the beauty of our present journey, because we are only focused on the end goal. Diligence, on the other hand, is steady, hard work without the negative connotation of “win at all costs.” Diligence allows us to finish our race strong by wisely pacing ourselves to the end. It allows our schedules and tasks to breathe, which in turn, opens our eyes to those around us. This provides opportunities to encourage others, speak life, and lead well.

Occasionally, I revert back to my perfectionistic, performance-driven ways, and everything comes crashing down in a heap of burnout. The struggle is real, ladies, but it’s not the end of the world. Learn from mistakes; stop feeling guilty; pick yourself up; love a little extra on the kid you were late picking up from the wrong activity (again); and remember that tomorrow is a new day filled with fresh mercies and grace. Avoiding burnout by approaching life with excellence, progress, and diligence provides endurance and success in our careers, ministries, and families. Do your best for God, and enjoy the journey.

Karen Harmon

Karen is a wife, and homeschooling mother who also practices as a physical therapist. She is active in her church serving as a worship leader.  
