Dear Future Husband: A Love Letter Journey

Cally Logan

by Cally Logan

Sophia is the Greek word for Wisdom, and Propel Sophia seeks out the voices of truly wise women and asks them to share worked examples of how they express faith in daily life. Pull up a chair at Sophia’s table, won’t you? There’s plenty of space.



There is something delightfully nostalgic about hand-written letters, especially love letters, but imagine writing one to someone you have never met…

When I was eighteen, I began a journey writing letters to a man I had never met but would one day marry: my future husband. Life was rapidly changing as high school came to an end and adulthood was beginning. In my heart I knew the man I would one day marry was not a part of my life yet, though I ardently wanted him to be. I mused that if he could not be present for my ever-changing world I could capture my world in written form, like a message in a bottle that would one day later be read by this man of mystery.

As I wrote more and more letters through seasons of change, I found that I had been growing all the while as well. I shifted from a focus on just wanting to be married to a perspective of what true love is in Christ. It became clear that I could not truly experience love if I did not intimately and fully know true love in its source through Christ.

An Unexpected Reply

One morning as I was sitting quietly in prayer with the Lord over coffee, He spoke clearly to my heart, challenging me with a question. He asked, “What would you think of writing a book based on your letters?” I was unsure at first, for my letters were both vulnerable and very personal, yet I felt God Himself was beckoning me out of my comfort zone for something far greater. Exactly twenty-four hours later I received a peculiar email from my publisher saying, “We loved hearing about the letters you’ve been writing for your future husband, what would you think of making that into a book?” To say my jaw was on the floor would be an understatement, but what I was left with from that experience was that God had a purpose and a plan, and no doubt an adventure ahead.

Over the next several months there was a deep beauty in how God led me in the navigation of the book of His heart, not one with a predictable ending most would expect. The book writing process did not conclude with me getting married, but it did conclude with a happily ever after. As beautiful and heartwarming as fairy tales of old are, they are no match for the happily ever after that is the true story of knowing the Creator intimately and passionately.

The Happiest Every After of All

A life of loving and being loved deeply by God does not negate or withhold human romantic love from coming, rather it sweetens it all the more. A happily-ever-after with God means living what Jesus spoke of in John 10:10— an abundant life so much bigger than the tidy little boxes we often conclude are all we deserve or will be given in life.

“I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.” (John 10:10 NIV)

Knowing God and living a life walking in obedience to Him does not mean the path is easy, but it is assuredly one of life lived in full. And isn’t that what we truly crave? We long to live fully; coming to know God, and to know who He created us to be, authentically and vibrantly.

God has a unique and one-of-a-kind story for each of us. When we allow Him to take the pen, what is evident is just how intentional He is in every chapter of our lives.

Following God’s Prompt…

Perhaps God is inviting you to start writing letters to your future spouse, or to lift them up in prayer. Whoever he is he needs your prayers, and perhaps when you meet you will see through the dates in your letters or prayers that it was at an exact timing when he needed God most.

And perhaps, you will discover what I did: that God had a heart posture shift for me to work through as I wrote. For even as I was writing “Dear Future Husband,” the great Author of my faith (Hebrews 12:2) had “Dear Future Cally” in mind.



Cally Logan is the author of Dear Future Husband: A Love Letter Journey While Waiting For God’s Best and Hang in There, Girl. She is a senior writer for and a 12th grade U.S. History teacher, in addition to serving as a mentor to several young women. In her spare time, she enjoys woodworking, exploring nature, and authentic chats over coffee. Cally resides in Richmond, VA. Connect with her on Instagram at @CallyLogan or at