i'm a journalist and tv anchor. and i'm a christian.

Monica Dean

by Monica Dean

Sophia is the Greek word for Wisdom, and Propel Sophia seeks out the voices of truly wise women and asks them to share worked examples of how they express faith in daily life. Pull up a chair at Sophia’s table, won’t you? There’s plenty of space.



As a TV news reporter and anchor in mainstream media, I’ve covered the best and worst of humanity. I have dedicated my 20-year journalism career to seeking truth in a job that’s exhilarating and gut wrenching, often at the same time, on the same story. But my up-close view of humanity is always filtered through a lens of personal faith that gives me eternal hope and perspective, even in the darkest moments.

I am a Christian.

As journalists we are trained to put our personal biases and beliefs aside for the sake of impartiality. There are those who think my Bible-based beliefs compromise my ability to be fair and balanced. It’s why I’m not allowed to wear my cross necklace on the air. But I know that my faith makes me a better journalist. And what is or isn’t hanging around my neck doesn’t change what’s written on my heart.

Journalism Through the Lens of Faith

The greatest commandments are to love God with all your heart and love your neighbor as yourself (Matthew 22:36-39). The Lord has gently reminded me that loving my neighbor doesn’t mean loving only those who look, think, believe, and act as I do. Those are the easy ones for me to love. Loving your neighbor or even your enemy (Matthew 5:44) takes you out of your comfort zone to listen to – and have compassion for – others whose life experience is radically different from your own. I am reminded of that daily as I report the news.

Each person is fearfully and wonderfully made and we are all children of the God of creation who loves us equally and beyond measure (Psalm 139:14 & Romans 8:38-39). But, each of us is uniquely affected by the brokenness of the human condition and the sinfulness of a fallen world. I believe that loving God doesn’t cloud my objectivity; to the contrary, it levels the playing field and sharpens my focus to help me see past the brokenness, into the heart of a person who is loved by God, just as I am.

Mainstream Grace for a Hurting World

That awareness of—and appreciation for—his unimaginable grace gives me greater respect and empathy for the people and the stories on which I report.

I feel blessed to have the privilege of being a journalist. It’s a job that especially in recent years has come under scrutiny and persecution, oftentimes even from my own family and faith community. As Christians, we are called to be salt and light (Matthew 5:13-16) and to reflect the love of our heavenly father, in whatever circumstance we find ourselves. I know God has a strategy for placing me in the secular media for such a time as this. And as I pray that God will show me how to better love those of all faiths—or no faith—who I meet while reporting, he has graciously opened the door for me to share stories that help inform, inspire, and engage my peers and community.

He has allowed me to cry with grieving mothers who lost children to violent crime. He has given me a seat in the room with sex-trafficking survivors who are healing from overwhelming trauma. He has put me on the front lines with police and firefighters, battling unimaginable disaster. And he has strengthened me to stand in the ashes with a family whose home just burned to the ground.

Whatever the story, he calls me to set judgment aside, listen with my heart to people, respect them and their stories, and report the truth of what I learn and discover. Isn’t that the definition of a good journalist?

People often tell me the news is too painful for them to read and watch. They wonder how I continue to deliver the news day-after-day. I acknowledge it can be upsetting. But in turbulent times, my faith gives me a great hope that there is good news in a bad news world. And that’s the biggest headline of all time.

Newsflash: The God of heaven came down as a human–a humble baby—to create a pathway to salvation and offer us a personal relationship with Himself for eternity (John 3:16). He is with us, and I believe he faithfully shows himself every day, if we just know how to ask and where to look.

For me it looks like hope in the eyes of a survivor. It looks like beauty from ashes. It looks like lives restored and rebuilt. It’s forgiveness, the love of others, a hug or a smile. That’s why it’s my hope and constant prayer that as I continue to report the news, God will use me to help you get a glimpse of Him too.




Monica Dean is a National Edward R. Murrow Award winning anchor/reporter for NBC 7 San Diego. She co-anchors NBC 7’s 4 & 5PM weekday newscasts. She is a career storyteller and Truth seeker. Monica led a year-long investigation for an NBC 7 documentary series titled, “STOLEN,” focusing on the sex trafficking of children in San Diego and beyond. Connect with Monica on Facebook, and on Instagram and Twitter at @MonicaNBCSD.